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No relation.

Rob ART, you you always gave us just the facts about Macintosh performance over the years. Because you always stuck to the facts, you never needed to resort to clickbait to keep us coming back over the years. And you definitely earned your nickname as the Mad Mac Scientist.

We will miss your "Bare Facts on Mac Speed Feats".

Rob ART's Obituary.

The single most important word spoken by Jesus...

Most New Testament translations render this Greek word, found in John 19:30, as the phrase, "It is finished!" That, combined with this verse ending with Jesus giving up his spirit, might lead one to conclude that Jesus was referring to his impending death.

But this single utterance means so much more: Τετέλεσται should be rendered as "It has been paid in full."

Now you're probably wondering what Jesus paid in full before giving up his spirit. I don't blame you.

Before Jesus died on the cross, He had already paid the debt for all of the sins for all of humanity; a debt for which we could never repay our own, no matter how many "good" things we may try to do.

And this is why the Friday before Resurrection Sunday (aka Easter) is known as Good Friday.

But please, don't just take my word for it: read this verse in context here.