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23 (A Prime Number Anniversary)

Happy 23rd Anniversary,!

Normally, I'd forget about the anniversary of registering my first domain name until tomorrow. However, this year, I remembered about it yesterday. And my inner nerd was telling me to do the math (or for my UK readers, do the maths) on which anniversary it would be. December 19, 1998 to 2021... that's 23 years.

Hey, that's a Prime Number Anniversary, if that's a thing! (They should be!)

Cue one unnecessary, over-the-top animation for celebration:

Here's to the next Prime Number Anniversary for!

Seriously, society gets all worked up over round numbers. I'm just thankful to have a short domain name.

Then again, maybe the 25th Anniversary will be reason to celebrate again, even if 25 is neither round nor prime.

And now, for those of you who bothered to keep reading after playing my animation, I'll answer a question that I am often asked, but in the context of the day I registered my domain name: What does JDMCS™ mean?

The only reason I was registering a domain name as a high school student was so I could professionally host a school project that I was working on, before the website for the non-profit that agreed to host it long-term was ready. But we couldn't put our names on our display board, as these projects were going to be judged in the Project Forum and our names on the display board could sway the judges. So both GeoCities and registering a domain name with my name in it were out.

At the time, I was working as a contractor for a local computer repair shop. Since I was a contractor, I also did work on the side, so I wanted a domain name that I could use if my computer repair "side gig" ever took off. I think I had "Justin D. Morgan's Computer Services" on some business cards I had printed up. I may have considered "JDM Computer Services" as an option for the domain name, but that would have still been a really long domain name as so many short names were still available in 1998. Then it clicked:

Justin D. Morgan's Computer Services == JDMCS™

"Dot Com!"

That's how JDMCS™ was born on December 19, 1998.