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Kansas Fest happens in July. (While I can't attend in 2022, I want to in 2023.)

What better month to dedicate to celebrating the Apple ][ series on YouTube (and other social media sites) is there than July?

Who's with me? Just use the hashtag #apple2july (as the braces probably won't work in a hashtag) with any Apple ][-related content, including content on Apple ][ Clones and the //e Card for the Macintosh LC series, you publish this month.

This is open to any content creator, big or small, on any platform: Flickr, YouTube, your blog, etc. Just publish it and tag it!

And maybe next year we can have a cool graphic to go along with it!

No relation.

Rob ART, you you always gave us just the facts about Macintosh performance over the years. Because you always stuck to the facts, you never needed to resort to clickbait to keep us coming back over the years. And you definitely earned your nickname as the Mad Mac Scientist.

We will miss your "Bare Facts on Mac Speed Feats".

Rob ART's Obituary.

Where would the early web have been without the GIF graphics format? Certainly a lot less animated, and a bit less controversial, that's for sure.


According to Wilhite, as reported by Engadget, it's pronounced "JIF" with a soft "G".

I'm not sure if you realized the bigger implications of the GIF format when you created it for CompuServe. Nevertheless, thank you, Stephen, for your contribution to Internet history.

And to anyone that chooses to disagree with Wilhite's official pronunciation:


At least for today...

Clive Sinclair (or Sir Clive Sinclair if you are in a Commonwealth realm) passed away today.

While he may be widely known for the Sinclair C5, the failed three-wheeled electric vehicle, I would like to recognize his contributions to home computing.

At £79.95 in kit form and £99.95 assembled, it was about one-fifth of the price of other home computers at the time.

The Guardian

His ZX80 computer brought computing to the masses, as it cost about a fifth of what other home computers cost. Its successor, the ZX81, brought the price of home computing down even further – to a low £49.95 for those willing (and brave enough) to assemble the ZX81 from a kit. The ZX81 made such an impact that it was ranked as the 9th most influential computer in history by TechRadar back in 2010 (with the original IBM PC being #8 and the original Apple Macintosh being #10).

His ZX Spectrum computers brought affordable personal computing to the masses and sold in their [sic] millions across the world.

Yahoo! News

In all, millions of Spectrum ZX computers were sold world-wide, giving millions of people a start in computing.

Thank you, Clive.