The following are resources to help you continue your journey into live coding with Sonic Pi.
Download Sonic Pi, see example scripts, download materials for teaching Sonic Pi in the classroom, and more!
This is the Tutorial I used as the basis for a speech I gave at the Piney Mountain Toastmasters (Charlottesville, VA) meeting on August 30, 2017.
A learning page on Sonic Pi from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Use this helpful table to convert MIDI notes found in Sonic Pi scripts you see online to the actual music note. Remember that “Middle C” is in the 4th octave, and is MIDI note 60. (This table was found on this blog post by Andy Murkin. Andy's blog post has nothing to do with Sonic Pi, but is linked here as the citation.)
The MagPi Essentials: Code Music with Sonic Pi
MagPi is the official Raspberry Pi magazine published by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. This is an entire 109 page issue devoted to Sonic Pi, and the PDF version is free to download!
Materials for Classrooms
I thought I would include links to additional classroom learning materials that I found during my research on Sonic Pi.
A 5 lesson plan from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
An 11-week lesson plan for incorporating Sonic Pi in the classroom. Includes a set of short films and inspirational works by artists. KS3 in the UK roughly equates to Middle School age, for those of us in the States.
Happy Live Coding!